The Property and Asset Register

4 min read
Jan 17, 2021
Updated: May 9, 2024

Property and Asset Register

The asset allows you to manage your properties alongside your tenancy agreements. Your property management business is more than just about tenants you also have a set of assets that you need to manage. We believe Konnexsion needs to be just as strong in the management of your assets as it is in managing the tenancy. The reason for this? Your properties endure long after each of your tenancy agreements has come to an end. It is important to be able to see history relating to some boiler maintenance. To do this you need more than a tenancy record. The Konnexsion property register provides you complete control on the level of detail you choose to specify your property.

  • If you just want just a reference, then within less than a minute you will have created the property with an address and some photos.
  • There is nothing stopping you however to build a full specification. This can include rooms, contents, user manuals, maintenance schedules and any other documentation you want to record.

This flexibility allows you consider Konnexsion your complete repository of all property related documentation.

The property and asset register comes with the following features:


If you have a development containing multiple properties you can structure in the same way within Konnexsion. A development can contain both shared facilities as well as the properties themselves.


Your properties can be split into multiple units replicating your HMO. Some of these units will be shared and common others will directly link to individual HMO tenancy agreements.


Not only can you add properties, units, and rooms you can also add contents within rooms. This is very useful as it supports the completion of our Inventory Module and also allows you to add documents like user manuals that are linked to specific contents.

Inheritance and Sharing:

One of the very powerful features of the property register is that you can share elements across your portfolio. Let's say you have a reception in your development and this has documentation loaded into it containing the collection and delivery of packages. Without any effort, this document will be visible to all active tenants of all properties that sit within the development. Within your Property, if you have an HMO you are going to have shared and common facilities. Once again these are quickly setup to be linked to the HMO rooms that are let. A tenant in one HMO room will have all the information relating to the common areas. Sharing isn't something you need to set up for each tenancy it's configured at the beginning and all future tenancies based on their property or HMO location will have immediate access to the required material.

Private Documents

So you like the Property and Asset Register and you want to add your mortgage and insurance documents. Of course, you don't want your tenants to see them. This isn't an issue at all. At the point you load the documents against your property, room or content you specify that it should only be visible by you and your team.

Document Notifications

You have just received your boiler safety certificate for your development and need to send it to all tenants in all the properties with the development. Once again this isn't a problem with Konnexsion. You just upload the document and request that it is sent to @development. Yes, you don't even need to find the names or contacts details of your tenants. Konnexsion will identify all current tenants and issue the document by email. An audit trail will be displayed showing both the mails being sent and even opened. Of course, privacy is important and Konnexsion will issue a separate email for each tenancy ensuring contact details are kept confidential.

Maintenance Schedules

Against any item within the property, you can add a maintenance schedule allowing a case to be created on a recurring or one-off basis ensuring you don't forget to get your EPC renewed, perform the 6 monthly inspection or simply to manage the weekly cleaning. We think you will quickly understand the importance of the Property Register that sits alongside and interacts seamlessly with our tenancy module. It's time to give it a try.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]